two laser scales
Landscape suggests that art should not be considered as an expression of a defined thinking process, but as a flickering light suspended in the air for a while. All the functions that a wall contains as a structural element, a separator and an artwork-bearing surface come together with the wall's embedded meanings and its condition of being just a wall. Laser scales are tools which are in use to align the works to be hung during the installation stages of the exhibitions. The agency of these tools in the process, the relationship they establish with the space due to their sculptural qualities and the inevitable temporality and invisibility they point to, constitutes the framework of the Landscape. As in the Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (1818) by David Caspar Friedrich; the work wonders the possibility of a non-hierarchical relationship between the viewer and view, body and topography, ground and space. Could it be a landscape too, to think about an empty wall as a landscape?